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Thursday, March 20, 2008

a cool and uber-sexual alter ego.

recently i made a very thrilling discovery that im not one man, but two.
i have this stupid,idiotic nerd who breathes books and studies on one part of my brain.
and the other part is controlled by a lazy, flamboyant beauty conscious stud(now 'stud' could be a generous evaluation)
i was the nerd for 16 years.
took 2 years for the transition period.
rechristined myself as the couch potato.

coming to think of it, this trait switching could be the indirect result of a lotto movies. heroes who are lazy appeal a lot to me these days. saif ali khan in hum tum,for instance. in perfect agreement with sigmond freud, i blame it all on my subconscious mind.

sometimes i like to break free. that is wen i go to sleep.i wake up as either of the two. but 99 out of 100 times in the last 4 yers, it's been the couch potato waking up.

when its the nerd, thats wen i dont like it at all. i start studying for no reason. and become a lot more honest. Sv could have killed me the other day, when he chose me as the group partner(not that he or me had a lot of options to choose from). the decision was purely on similar frequency basis, he likes to copy and i like to copy too. but on the lab, some one somehow put me to sleep and alas!! there came the nerd. i wanted to do the lab on our own. it was late,really late when finally the couch potato rose. and the nerd wasted 3 hours of my life. and Sv's too. But he says he saved an hour by sleeping. oh well.. my 3 hrs and his 2 hrs.

thers a slightly different version to the whole incident. Sv has agreed to help me out. this is my blog,definitely my own blog,but the following few sentences, Sv has written purely out of love and sympathy.

" Aswin is placed in BankAm and knows shit about computers. if thers one thing he's really really afraid of, thats being fired.
all this nerd and couch potato thing is rubbish. he's jus trying to cover up the fact that he tried to do the lab on his own,which is pretty demeaning by his own standards."

a third person account comes really handy. saves ur face. thank you Sv.(as in "thank you shaktimaan")

comin bak ,

i hereby recognize the nerd as my real self


the couch potato as my alter ego.

very few have found my posts worthy of comments. if under any circumstances anyone chooses this one to, pls for heavens sake stay away. i have a pretty good idea abt the kind of words it can evoke from you.

boredom, u the mother of invention

guys i've invented a new hobby. halfwits, "i dont give a damn about a potential argument that u can only discover a hobby, not invent it." who remembers discoverers anyway? inventors are cool. and im a wannabe. not a wannabe inventor, but a wannabe cool.
back to my,err...... invention. traveling without a plan. halfwits,"i know ppl have traveled without a plan since the stone age, but u know im the frst to give it the status of a hobby".

so this is wot i do these days. apart from watching random movies,reading random blogs,attending random lectures and choosing random hours to get up.

lazy to say more on the hobby.wot more can it be? thers some amount of planning involved though. u plan the hour of the day to wake up.an unshaven face and a shoulder bag definitely adds to the aura.
ps: Traveling without a plan is an expensive hobby. needs a lotto cash. up for the taking if ur dad's an ATM.