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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Chicken Soup for the NITcian's soul

The following is the child of my 4 years of hardwork(ahem..) at NITC. Do not underestimate, never ridicule.

(a)NITCians are the only people who are entitled to question anything written below.
(b)Theres nothing in here about the girls of NITC.
(c)Theres a lot in here about the people i have been with all 4 years.
(d)Okay, its autobiographical in parts. Only in parts.

so here goes.
The few things that set NITCians apart.

(1)IITians are Gods.(nerds, though!!). And hell, we dont know what CET is, an entrance exam or an engineering college.

(2)We constantly assert that all girls we have fallen for will eventually fall for us, once we start our careers,make loads of money,drive a BMW, maybe.If that doesnt happen, we like to believe that the girl is stupid. If deep inside our minds we know that the girl is bloody logical, we just pray for a tight healthy liver.

(3)All of have been nerds at some point in our lives.Some still are. But we all like the
'cool dude cum macho man' image and make fun of greater nerds.We have always wanted to be the guys our mothers warned us about, but we are almost the guys our mothers wanted us to be, albeit drinking,smoking and flying.

(4)" lotto chicks in the frst year" - Pure wishful thinking.Happens as every new batch comes in.

(5)We almost eat,drink and sleep on the internet.And after we start working, a google search to find the nearest bus stop.( true)

(6)All NITians take two pegs every night. Okay, not all.But some drink more to keep the average.

(7)Its not music if its not Rock.Period.

(8)We always discuss matters like economic progress and the share market.That gives us some kind of orgy.

(9) Every Ragam is the best only till the next, Ragam has everything for everyone, and Ragam is second only to Saarang ( IITMadras). Dhwani sucks.

(10)We despise,mock and ridicule all mallu movies, regardless of its cast and make . And anything thats in English is godly.

(11)All NITCians in the history of mankind have been divided into 3:
c)the politically ignorant.
No more comments.

(12)We actually respect doctors or medical students deep inside. On the outside, we give them looks of sympathy coated with sarcasm.

okay, 12 bulet points is huge for a 22 year old what, analyst?

Saturday, September 13, 2008

okay.. this is it

I'm back. If at all anyone really cares. Its almost 3 months since my last post. I was really busy at my job and such boring things that come with it.Hope to be a bit more regular again.

This is probably my first post out of pure disgust and frustration. Since i keep the blog all for myself and people who know me really well, i dont really need to find something interesting to write on.

Now traditionally, a software professional's blog is supposed to be a very techie kind of one, or one full of the poorest of jokes. I'm not really a techie guy.(and i have the documents to support that.)I understand why the software-engineer kind of jokes are pathetic.They (infact we) lead a pretty boring life. Almost the coolest thing in 3 months for an IT guy is going for a theme function, where people dress in weird clothes. So unless we have something adventurous in life, we cant be very entertaining people.You can say we are pretty boring as people.

To me, the job gives a lotto money, discipline and thats it. Theres no fun. Configuring a server or understanding a database has never been my idea of an outing. Allow yourself to be stripped of evrything that adds to your ego, and there you are.A full fledged IT pro.

First, the dress code and the clean shaven look.
nicely ironed and tucked in formal shirts, formal pants and formal shoes. the shoes have to be the same colour as your belt. and your socks have to be the same colour of your trousers.
This is definitely the worst kind of discipline i have ever been subjected to. In the last 22 years, the only time i wore black formal shoes was in my 11th and 12th. So 2 years. thats it.
And now i have to shave twice a week. I have never shaved twice in the same week, my entire life.boy, i look gay when i have a clean shave. ( luckily, gays in hyderabad dont jus have a clean shave, they also exfoliate, moisturize and invariably wear pink). I feel morose wen i look at the mirror. I really look like those guys I would laugh at, any day.

Month old stubble, undone hair,shabby shirts and a stinking lungy was almost your trademark, back in college. You felt really macho, those days. You got high even without alchohol. You almost thought nothing in this world could end the fun. And you laughed at the people who said all fun ends at college. You said they were boring people to begin with. Who always cared about grades. You never thought you'll spend three months with nobody to joke around with.

The worst part is that you dont really know if this is bad. You cant choose between college and office, given an option.
College gave everything, except money.
Office gives the money.
You can walk around in Lee cooper shoes or grab a Subway footlong. Or watch Dark Knight in Imax, all alone. Or go to a perfumes shop and say ' Playboy musk.. the US one. oh yeah.. credit card?'

I dont think i'll be able to choose.