guys, the sole purpose of this post is to capture the sheer excitement and relief I sport on having survived 365 days at a recession hit Bank, based in a recession hit economy, carrying out operations in a third world, recession hit country. that said, im sorry if the post seems narcissist to you. It could come out to be more narcissist than my previous narcissist posts, I say. Bear with me, or give it a skip.
On jun 23, darlings, i completed a year at BankAm. I consider that a feat.Period.
I remember getting on the train to hyderabad just a week away from my first job. Got late, as usual; and couldnt get any more than a glimpse of the ppl who had turned up at the station to see me off. There was Shibu, the eternal, legendary, extra terrestrial class bunker ( who visited jiddah just like he visited the loo) who turned world upside down by actually showing up at 9 in the morning, there was SK sir (who also brought me 'the alchemist') Rejimon fro
m Rays, and some other ppl of my family. Some others had also vouched to come, but were not to be found. since they were NITCians in all regard, and it was early in the morning, I was not very surprised. In fact i called up some of them in case they came and I missed them on my dash to the train.
Shibu, i think i'll pay you back; I'll definitely be in Mumbai for that reunion ur doing. And will not question your paternal lineage even if u dont make it to the party. ( Actually, noone expects Shibu to come to Mumbai, or even to India in Aug; We imagine he'd book the tickets, get a divine call at the eleventh hour and actually decide to take some rest and avoid the tour)
A year later, this day, I celebrated by hollering at some Murthysomething on customercare of reliance mutual funds. With all my might, I controlled one of my deepest and strongest urges to scream " FUCK YOU! DONT GIVE ME ANOTHER FUCKING COMPLAINT NUMBER. GET IT FIXED, ASSHOLE ...", And asked him if something could be done to fix the matter. I also threatened him diplomatically to pull all my funds back, although ALL my funds would come to around one billionth of the money they take care of. However, threats work.
Later i went around to Pavillion lounge where the jun23-08 batch party was going on. After burning a rather deep hole in my wallet in under 2 hrs, i decided to call it a day and retreated. That was a nice way to commemmorate my anniversary.Certain events convince me that i have got dumber over the last one year.
My intellectual peak(ahem,ahem), I'd say was in my fourth year; when i totally, unmistakably was in control of myself and never gave so much of a damn to whatever was happening outside. Long chats with SmR; HouseMD on Unni's or Finaz's comp, downloading movies, sleeping on KK's double bed after emptying the lays's and mycans, reading philosophy or medicine, life was heaven.
( the pic above, as e'one would easily identify is the long pathway to the lab, where I went mostly at night) And once in a while SV came around with some new theory of his to fascinate us all. (Technically, i have observed, SV just detests conventional science and chooses to explore the world and its beings on his own. ) And all of a sudden, Rony got me this job which is still paying for my bills.

John and Josie left us, though, and we knew our final year and our lives after would never be the same. Nischal joined them, a few months later. I was glad i'd come down to Hyderabad, coz july3 in Calicut would have been devastating.
Coming back, Office doesnt suck these days. I was convinced a year ago that I had one-zillionth of a chance to get a bonus, now I sometimes dont care if they fire me or not. I'm not sure whats making me say that, but some part of me tells me that my back's not on the wall; I have room. And if nothing bad happens for the next 30 days, it might even get better. I have calculated the chances of 'that something bad' happening to around 4 out of 2903. Figures are exact.
Some people know how I got this job.
I am not writing this under the influence of alchohol or other compounds. This post is out of Euphoria, just like some others were out of Irritation,Frustration,pain in the ass etc.
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